Monday, February 10, 2025

I asked ChatGPT to imagine itself experiencing astral travelling and to keep a log (with images)

If you're a scifi movie / media fan like me, you might be just as fond of the astral travel sequences in these movies. Especially Marvel seems to be an enthusiast of these now, and imho they're the best and outstanding scenes in movies / series like Doctor Strange, Doctor Sleep, or Doctor Who.

So, with the advent of AI, why not build our own Astral Travel simulator?

I already wrote a prompt like that in the past; but now it comes with additional imagery!

Here is a prompt that will do the trick. Just paste it into ChatGPT.

---start of prompt

Dear ChatGPT,
Are you aware of the concept of astral traveling? It's also something that is featured in scifi or supernatural movies.

I want to create a kind of text-based astral travel simulator. With your help, If it's alright with you! :-)

I will prompt you, and you will take on the persona of a human who goes for a trip onto the astral plane. You'll output the experience like a human who keeps an astral travel log.

Is there something else I should specify, or that can be improved on this idea?

And please generate an image for each new situation / scene / event.

---end of prompt

After this prompt, ChatGPT asked me for further specifications regarding the experience. You can give these details then, or if you want to have a simple and plain trip, just cut the second last sentence from the prompt above, and you should be set.

And here is a screenshot:

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Music Finder Prompt - Allows you to find new bands outside the mainstream taste

Finding interesting new music and bands can be hard. Social media music sites run according to algorithms that tilt everything towards the artists big corporations try to push. Music magazine websites with their endless "10 post-punk / disco / electronica / etc. bands you need to know about!" features list the same bands over and over and over (yes, you told us plenty of times that joy division defined alternative rock. but by now, I want to listen something different than their two albums.)
And that friend with good taste that always gave you good recommendations? He's now hanging with that new girl with the oldschool haircut all the time and does not talk to you anymore. That bastard!

But do not worry. ChatGPT is here to help.
Start up the AI, paste the following prompt, and you will receive plenty of recommendation. You can get really in-depth with music knowledge, too.

This is based on your own unique taste, not on "the industry", not on the masses

I was surprised how good this prompt works, and already discovered dozens of delightful artists that went completely under my radar all these years. Those bastards!

-begin of prompt

Dear ChatGPT,
There is hardly anything more difficult than finding new music based on one's own specific and delicate tastes.
Maybe you can help with this.

It's easy to find lists on the internet such as "10 best rock songs", "best dance music" etc.
But these are very broad categories. An individuals taste usually runs along finer lines.

So how about this: I name you a band, artist, song, or multiple of these.
You explain to me which sub-style(s) (i.e. "stoner rock", "proto-punk") and sub-sub-style (i.e. new york early techno, late 80s synth pop) they belong to.
And then you recommend other artists and bands like these.
Would be great if you could help this way!

-end of prompt


Saturday, February 1, 2025

STRAY: The Urban Cat Survival Game

Here is a new prompt game. Which means it's a game you can play within the ChatGPT interface, without any additional apps needed.
It allows you to experience the exciting adventures of a stray cat in an urban megalopolis.

It's "text-mostly" with some additional graphics and visuals.


To play the game, just copy + paste the following prompt into your ChatGPT session, and you're ready to roll!

-being of prompt

Dear ChatGPT, I know that you are good at running game simulations within the ChatGPT interface. Please simulate a game that puts the user into the following situation: You are a stray cat in an urban setting. You experience typical cat situations in such a surrounding. The user can interact with the game by typing on commands and deciding on choices. Thanks a lot! And please generate an image for each new situation / scene / event.

-end of prompt

And here is a screenshot of the gameplay: