Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Part 20: 10 unusual ChatGPT ideas for the sophisticated hardcore techno producer

This is just a short "tutorial"; most of the features we created so far were about creating tracks that, more or less, existed within established genre conventions. Now this is something different; aimed at those producers who want to break the rules, go against the grain. ideas that are out of the ordinary.
As usual, this concept can be expanded easily. Do you not like these ideas? are they still too - conventional? do you think tracks that used such ideas already exist?
Well, start your own conversation with ChatGPT - and ask for even more radical suggestions to incorporate into your production session!

Beginning of chat transcript

Please suggest 10 unusual ideas as a starting point for creating a hardcore techno track.

Hey! Pumped to help you kick off a killer track. Let's dive into some offbeat ideas:

1. Nature Fusion: Blend hardcore beats with nature sounds. Imagine the relentless kick drum paired with thunderstorms, birds chirping, or waves crashing. Nature meets hardcore chaos.

2. Vintage Radio Vibes: Sample old-school radio broadcasts or speeches and throw them into the mix. Adds a nostalgic and rebellious touch, maybe even some political snippets from your e-zine content.

3. Space Oddity: Take your listeners on a cosmic journey. Incorporate space-themed samples, sci-fi sound effects, and create an otherworldly atmosphere within the hardcore beats.

4. Retro Gaming Madness: Infuse the essence of classic video game sounds into your track. Think 8-bit bleeps and bloops meeting hardcore intensity. A nod to your experimental side.

5. Junkyard Symphony: Record unconventional percussion sounds from everyday items like metal scraps, glass, or rubber. Turn the chaos of a junkyard into a hardcore percussion orchestra.

6. Voices in the Shadows: Integrate eerie whispers, distorted vocals, or vocal snippets that add an unsettling dimension. Make it feel like the underground is speaking through your beats.

7. Clockwork Precision: Experiment with clock ticking sounds, metronomes, or time-related samples. Create a sense of urgency and precision, like your beats are the heartbeat of time itself.

8. Cinematic Showdown: Take inspiration from movie soundtracks, especially epic action scenes. Blend hardcore energy with orchestral hits, building tension like a blockbuster soundtrack.

9. Abstract Art Attack: Translate abstract visual art into sound. Imagine wild, unconventional patterns and try to capture their essence through your beats and synths.

10. Deep Sea Dive: Explore the depths of the ocean with deep, rumbling basslines and aquatic soundscapes. Hardcore techno meets the mysterious world beneath the waves.

Feel free to mix and match these ideas or put your own twist on them. Can't wait to hear the sonic madness you come up with!

Ending of chat transcript

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