Thursday, August 22, 2024

"The lAibyrinth of Secrets" - a prompt for a cosmic interactive novel game that can be played within ChatGPT

ChatGPT is very good at running Interactive Fiction / Novel / Text adventure style games.

You don't need any add-ons or extra apps to run this game, just type the following prompt into your ChatGPT console, and there you go!

-begin of prompt

Dear ChatGPT, I want you to simulate an interactive fiction / novel type of game. It should be based on a labyrinth. The protagonist finds himself in a room of the labyrinth and has to traverse through other rooms. Each room should be related to a specific color. There should be a touch of the cosmic, surreal, extravagant, mystical. The descriptions of the rooms should be alluring and impressive. Small puzzles need to be solved. And now and then, deep philosophical and cosmic truths should be woven into the narrative.

-end of prompt

Have fun!

And here is a short transcript of a gameplay session:

-begin of transcript


The lAibyrinth of Secrets

You open your eyes to find yourself in a vast, dimly lit chamber. The walls seem to pulse with an energy you can't quite place—a silent hum that resonates in your bones. There is no clear memory of how you arrived here, but the room is familiar in a way that stirs something deep within you.

Before you, three doorways present themselves, each one shimmering with a faint glow. Above each doorway, a symbol and a color, beckoning.

- Red: A blazing door, almost too bright to look at, adorned with a glyph resembling an ancient flame.

- Blue: A cool, soothing hue emanates from this doorway, with a symbol of a crescent moon carved above it.

- Green: This door is covered in twisting vines and leaves, glowing with an otherworldly emerald light.

Each path feels like it contains secrets, some distant truth. You sense that your journey through this labyrinth will not just be one of escape, but of revelation.

Where do you go first?

  • Enter the Red door.
  • Enter the Blue door.
  • Enter the Green door.


Enter Red Door


The Red Door

You step through the red door, and immediately feel the heat. Not an oppressive heat, but a deep, simmering warmth that seeps into your skin and pulses in your veins. The room is bathed in a deep crimson glow, as though the walls themselves are breathing embers. The scent of burning incense hangs in the air, smoky and sweet.

The room is circular, with a high, domed ceiling. The ground beneath you is a polished obsidian floor, reflecting the red light in distorted ripples. In the center of the room, there is a large stone pedestal. Upon it, a flickering flame burns, seemingly without fuel, a single unwavering tongue of fire.

Above the flame, a phrase is inscribed into the stone in a language you can’t fully understand, but somehow… you know what it means:

"To wield fire is to understand both creation and destruction, for they are one and the same."

Three smaller pedestals surround the central flame, each holding an object:

  • A golden key glimmers faintly, glowing with warmth, as though it has absorbed the heat of the room.
  • A red crystal is embedded in a ring, pulsating with a deep inner light, as if it holds something alive within.
  • A piece of charred parchment rests on the last pedestal, blackened around the edges, with strange markings faintly visible in the center.

Something tells you that the key to leaving this room lies in interacting with these objects. But there’s a catch: you can only take one.

The fire’s warmth whispers to you that this choice will matter.

Which object do you choose?

  • The golden key.
  • The red crystal.
  • The charred parchment.


I choose the parchment.


The Charred Parchment

You reach for the charred parchment. As your fingers graze its blackened edges, a sudden surge of energy courses through you. The strange markings on the parchment begin to glow, shifting and rearranging themselves as if the parchment is alive, responding to your touch.

You hold the parchment closer, and the markings slowly form words, etched in a language that seems to bypass your mind and speak directly to your soul:

"In ash and ruin, truth is often born. The universe is a cycle of burning and rebirth, and in the remnants of what was destroyed lies the seed of what will be."

Suddenly, the room seems to grow darker. The crimson glow fades slightly, and you hear a faint whispering in the air, like echoes of long-forgotten voices. The fire in the center of the room flickers, and the walls seem to shift, revealing a hidden doorway at the far side of the chamber.

Before you step toward the newly revealed passage, a final thought from the parchment lingers in your mind:

"Remember, sometimes the only way to understand the light is to embrace the darkness."

With that, the parchment disintegrates into ash in your hands, leaving you with a deep sense of knowing—like you’ve just glimpsed a cosmic truth, but can’t quite grasp its entirety.

The new doorway awaits.

Do you:

  • Step through the hidden passage and continue deeper into the labyrinth?
  • Examine the central flame one last time before you leave?


Go through passage.


The Hidden Passage

You step through the hidden passage, and the air immediately shifts around you. It feels thicker here, like the atmosphere is more than just air—it's as if you're moving through layers of reality. The crimson glow of the previous room fades into the distance, replaced by something stranger, more ethereal.

The passageway is narrow, the walls lined with intricate carvings that pulse with a faint, otherworldly light. The symbols seem to shift as you walk by, morphing into forms you can't quite comprehend—spirals within spirals, endless loops of creation and decay. Occasionally, you catch glimpses of something cosmic and immense beyond the walls, like distant galaxies folding in on themselves.

Eventually, the passage opens up into another chamber. This one is different—less a room and more like a vast, endless expanse. The floor beneath you is a shimmering, liquid surface, reflecting a sky that shouldn't exist underground. It's as though the universe has bent itself into this space, creating an impossible landscape where time and space feel malleable.

At the center of this room, a massive white tree rises from the liquid floor, its branches stretching into infinity. The tree glows with a soft, radiant light, and from its branches hang six small, golden orbs—each one pulsing with energy, as if containing entire worlds within them.

An inscription is etched into the base of the tree:

"The cosmos is a labyrinth within itself. What you seek is both ahead and within. Choose carefully, for the fruit of this tree holds the essence of all things."

You feel a pull toward the orbs. Each one seems to radiate a different kind of energy, and you know that choosing one will shape the rest of your journey in ways you can't yet foresee. This is a pivotal moment.

Which orb will you take?

  • The first orb, glowing with a soft, golden light, symbolizing wisdom.
  • The second orb, radiating a deep violet aura, filled with mystery.
  • The third orb, pulsating with a warm, orange glow, symbolizing creativity.
  • The fourth orb, shimmering with a silver light, representing balance.
  • The fifth orb, crackling with a vibrant red energy, symbolizing power.
  • The sixth orb, surrounded by a black mist, emanating the essence of the unknown.

-end of transcript

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