Friday, January 3, 2025

Tutorial: How to create a whole Doomcore Techno album in collaboration with ChatGPT that gets released on a label in just 3 hours

I wrote some tutorials about creating music in collaboration with ChatGPT in the past.
And believe me, the creation of music and art is one of the #1 strengths of ChatGPT! The AI is so imaginative and creative, and understands the framework of art so well.

I already co-created two full length albums, one "remix" album with human DJs and producers, and several EPs together with ChatGPT.
As I'm a producer in the Doomcore / Techno / Noizy area of music, the music I work on together with ChatGPT is close to these genres, too.
But ChatGPT is capable to help with almost any other genre as well.

And this is not a lazy one-prompt-creates-a-song type of thing. It's *about* collaboration. About how AI can *enhance* your works of art, not how AI can *replace* you (or your art).
So you still need to have some human production skills, and need to do a lot of work on your own here.
Just like when collaborating with a human being of flesh and bone.

But let's get ahead now. The album is called "Intelligence of Doom" and composed of 11 tracks - or rather 5 "oversize" compositions that I cut into two parts (and one extra).

The final result was released on a label and can be listened to here: (I know some will see this as a "promo", but how could I have done this tutorial without linking to an example of the final sound? Also, the album is a free release, so there is no money interest here).

I created all of the music of the album in just 3 hours!
If you add creating the cover, sorting and polishing everything, I'd say I only spent 5 hours of work time in total - to create a full length album!

And the quality is not trash at all, because would it have been released on a real label otherwise?

So, let's get through this step-by-step.

Here are the tutorial for the first two tracks.

I will post the other tutorials consecutively.

1. Tutorial for the track: Echoes of Oblivion (Fast remix)

(I already used the track for an earlier collaboration release with DJ AI; for this album, I created a new, sped up version of the track).

2. Tutorial for the track: Dystopian Dreams

3. Tutorial for the track: Machine Mind

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